
Mp3 kuber krit shiv stuti download
Mp3 kuber krit shiv stuti download

mp3 kuber krit shiv stuti download

The verse "gurur brahmA gurur viShNu" appears as verse no.58 in the 'guru gitA' attributed to sage vyAsa ().Some of the sources of parts of the stotram are: Here the links to this enlightening stotram:Īlthough I mentioned that this stotram is from the 'guru gitA' traiditionally attributed to sage vyAsa, it seems that the stotram is culled out from various sources and that the name of the compiler is uncertain. Tvameva sarvam-my everything, mama devadeva-O my God of gods! Tvameva vidyA-my knowledge, draviNaM tvameva-my wealth too, Tvmeva bandhu-my kinsman, cha sakhA-and friend,

mp3 kuber krit shiv stuti download

Tvmeva mAtA-my mother, cha pitA-and father, Salutations to that Guru who is Adir anAdishcha-the beginning and the beginningless who is paradaivatam-of Supreme Divinity guro parataram nAsti-there is none superior to the Guru. Who is jagadguru-Teacher of the World, madAtmA-the Self in me, Who is jagannAtha-Lord of the Universe, madguru-my Guru, ShrI gurave namaH-Salutations to that Guru, who is mannAtha-my Lord, Guroradhika-Beyond the Guru, there is no tattvam-Truth, tapa-the heat of religious penance and austerity, or tattva jnAnam-knowledge about param-the Supreme. Guru shoShaNa-dries up the bhava-sindhu-water of formal existenceĪnd jnApana-makes known sArasampada-all the wealth of the shAstras. Guru pradAnena-teaches AtmajnAnam-knowledge of the Self and by itĭAhina-burns up the karmabandha-bonds of karma of anekajanma-many births. He is vibhUShita-decorated with the mAlA-garland of tattvam-Truth. Guru is ArUDha-rooted in jnAnashakti-the power of knowledge. Guru is chaitanya-supreme knowledge, shAsvata-eternal, and shanta-peace. He is of padAmbuja-lotus feet made radiant by the ratna-jewels of shRuti-Vedas. Guru is the sUrya-Sun for the ambuja-Lotus, of VedAnta. Guru is the chimaya-supreme knowledge that pervades the three worlds. Guru is the very form of the trimUrti: brahmA, viShNu, shiva. Guru opens our eyes with the sharp needle of knowledge-shAlAkaya,Īnd lets us see the light, dispelling the darkness-timira of ignorance. Guru is vyAptam yena charAcharam-pervading the entire universe. Guru is akaNDa maNDalAkAram-not just confined to the human form. The audio file includes a spoken English translation of the stotram. It is found in the 'guru gitA' composed by the great sage vyAsa maharshi. This stotram, a bit long though-and we are not fainthearted-describes the Guru's divine potency. Wish you Godspeed for great times of learning ahead!Īfter Ganesha, it is the Guru. Once you can recite the stotram correctly and know its meaning vis-a-vis the Sanskrit words and phrases, you would find yourself contemplating on its content, learning to drench in the flow of 'bhakti rasam' that teaches the 'jnAnam' to dissolve the small self in the bigger Self. After repeating it two or three times, you should be able to chant/sing the stotram along with the teacher and then independently.Īnd once you are comfortable with reciting the stotram, try to explore the meaning of the words you recite, learning to match them against phrases in the meanings text. You need to become a member of the Website and it is worth.Īs you play the embedded audio, run your mouse over the recited words and learn to read and pronounce them correctly.


Here is a link to download the pdf file of the stotram with embedded audio. Here is a stotram called 'ganesha-stavam' that describes Ganesha as none other than the 'nirguNa brahman'. Wherever possible, I have provided the meaning and audio files of the stotras. All you need is the knowledge of the Sanskrit alphabets and the willingness to read Sanskrit text, which is not at all difficult once you know the alphabets. This thread will give you short and simple stotras and shlokas that you can read, recite and teach your children.

Mp3 kuber krit shiv stuti download